Friday, April 3, 2015

It's Been a long winter.

Last week we made our first paddle out on the Potomac this season. We paddled up to Belle Haven Marina and across to National Harbor and back. The group was a little slower than I prefer so I took a couple detours to get in a little exercise. A chart and google earth image of the track.

Paddle on the Potomac

We did make a trip down to Southport, NC in February. The water was not frozen and we got to do a couple nice paddles and look at some real estate. Looking for a vacation place.

Paddle from Southport Marina to the point of Cape Fear

Paddle from Southport Marina to Fort Fisher Ferry Dock

I also attended pool sessions to improve my roll and just play around in my boat. I also spent some time indoors playing around with my video editing. This first video is just me playing around in the pool. My wife pointed out some errors with spelling but who cares? It is just me playing around with editing. I use Openshot Video Editor since I only use Linux on my computers.

Please ignore the stylish dive mask. I really hate chlorine in my eyes.

This second video is just me rolling my Point 65 XO16. A friend of mine in Sweden told me several years ago when I bought it that it was a hard boat to roll because of the high volume deck. Well, I had to make a video of me rolling it just to get her goat. Several rolls (extended paddle and not extended) and a reentry and roll. It is not a bad boat to roll for a high volume touring kayak.

I also spent some time doing kayak repairs for a friend and working on my equipment. Playing with different tow system ideas. Planning trips for the spring and getting ready for my ACA L3 assessment. So I have managed to keep myself busy. I just want the weather to continue on a warming trend.

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