Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Paddle around Shell Key

Our first paddle after we arrived at the Kon Tiki we paddled through Horseshoe Key and around Shell Key. An easy paddle to get our vacation started. Horseshoe Key is a bird nesting ground and it is really cool to watch the birds leave in the morning and return in the evening.

Ibis just hanging out 
The Lorax's Wife at the back entrance of Horseshoe Key

Back entrance to Horseshoe Key

Resident of Horseshoe Key

More inhabitants of Horseshoe Key 

The Lorax's Wife capturing the wild life


Osprey at Shell Key

Great Heron at Shell Key

Guess I got to close

The Lorax's Wife watching the fish.

OK, we will stay away but good photo op.

Frigate Birds over Horseshoe Key

Find the iguana 

More Frigate birds

The Kon Tiki from the water

Tiki Bar at the end of the dock at the Kon Tiki

Relaxing in one of the hammocks at the Kon Tiki

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