Monday, December 15, 2014

A windy afternoon paddle and test of my new dry suit

Yesterday we went for a paddle from Pohick Regional Park. We just wanted to get out and stretch the muscles. Forecast was for winds at around 12mph so we knew based on the tide we would find both calm and rough water to play in. I also wanted to swim test my "new" dry suit.

Here is the track.

And a few photos of the wife.

Friday, December 12, 2014

The interesting people we randomly meet

So last night I played darts with Clark Eid founder of The Great Mississippi River Race  and The Mississippi River Challenge.

I met him a couple weeks ago during our kayaking groups monthly Happy Hour. He over heard us talking about kayaking and introduced himself. A really nice guy and the stories of the race and his 2003 record setting run of the Mississippi.

It is interesting the random people you meet just throwing darts.

So that is my story of the moment. More post to come soon about kayaking.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Leesylvania / Occoguan Bay Paddle

On Saturday the wife and I went for a nice short paddle from Leesylvania State Park to Great Marsh which is part of the Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge. It was a pleasant day with a temperature of around 50 degrees Fahrenheit  and a water temperature of around 46. The paddle started out with scattered fog but as we were heading back  the visibility dropped to a mile or less. We checked our bearing before we lost sight of land. It made for a nice paddle and there was no boat traffic.

And here are a few photos of or paddle last Saturday.

Our track for the paddle on a beautiful foggy and rainy Saturday. 

Kayaks waiting for launch

The Lorax's Wife playing around.

Another shot of The Lorax's Wife.

One of the sever Bald Eagles we spotted.

Guess the eagle got camera shy.

On our way back to the put in the fog was thick. Visibility was only about a mile.