Monday, October 20, 2014

What is this blog about and why another blog?

My first post is wordy and a disclaimer......

So, why am I writing this blog?
1) Because sometimes I have something interesting, inventive, informative or some narrative I wish to share.
2) Because everyone else is doing it?

Why the name "Adventures of a Lorax in Training?
Well, when I was a we tiny little kid I really was fond of this book called "The Lorax" by a guy that called himself Dr. Seuss. Then when I was older and not so tiny I did some work with an organization that was environmentally focused. Oh, and I still really liked that story "The Lorax" and liked the animated show also. Then one day I bought a Lorax patch and sewed it to a hat. Now some 20 + years and 3 hats later that patch still survives. It has become my signature,item. And one can never truly be the Lorax so, I am always in training.

What will this blog be about?
Mostly kayaking but I might talk about other adventures. I tend to do many things that lead into learn from my mistakes kind of wisdom.

So, that is it in a nutshell. And yes I am the husband of the person with the blog titled "The Lorax's Wife".

There will be a few post in quick succession then it could be a blog a week or one a month. I guess it depends on my mood.
Hope you will follow the journey.

Now a disclaimer......
I am in no way an expert in any of the things I post here. Most post will be my opinions and we all know about opinions. Please, do your homework get professional training and learn the things that are important. I place no guarantee that anything I post will work for you or will keep you safe. Just because it works for me does not mean it is right for you.

I was, at one point in my life, a surfer and I know what my body can tolerate as far as cold water and wet suits. So, please do not accept what I wear for cold weather equipment as a good example. I also did surfboard repairs in a surf shop and I have some skill with fibreglass work.

Another point in my life I was a rock climbing instructor. I am not talking about the gym instructors that can teach you how to tie into your harness and belay. I taught outdoor skills. Leading trad and sport, setting anchors and vertical rescue stuff. I know knots and hitches and make use of them in kayaking. I also did outdoor leadership skills, high ropes course facilitation, group team building and wilderness survival. I try to always maintain at least my WFA certification even though I let all my other certifications laps.

I kayaked surf when I was younger on a "Twister" with thigh straps. I also did a little whitewater kayaking. I got into sea kayaking because my wife wanted to do it. What I know about kayaking is nothing. I have no certifications and have never had an evaluation on any level. I can get myself back into my boat by several means and I can assist getting someone else back into their boat. I have taken instruction courses with ACA certified instructors because my wife wanted to take the classes. That still means I know squat about kayaking. So, please understand that nothing I post is in anyway meant as instructional. I am just posting thoughts, observations and opinions.
The Lorax in training.

1 comment:

  1. You may notice from reading this post that I could use a proof reader/editor....
