Monday, February 12, 2018

An Update on me and this blog.

So, I am no longer associated with the blogger 'The Lorax's Wife' or 'Capital City Kayak'.

I am no longer just a guy who kayaks. I have since starting this blog become and ACA L3 Coastal Kayaking Instructor, I have my ACA Coastal Kayaking Day Trip Leading Skills Assessment,  ACA Level 4: Open Water Coastal Kayaking Skills Assessment. So, I now know a little about Sea Kayaking.

I became an instructor because someone else wanted me to become an instructor.

This past year I went to a few training events and spent time soul searching. Do I really want to be an instructor or just be the best paddler I can be? The things that were holding me back are gone and I can paddle as aggressively as I want with the people I choose. It was liberating and crushing at the same time. I decided that I can still work on being a better paddler and I am a good instructor so, I will continue to instruct. I am just not sure if I will pursue my L4 Open Water instructor because it is not relevant to where I live and instruct currently.

I have been invited to pursue a couple opportunities as a kayaker this coming year. I am also looking to plan a couple journeys in the coming year. I have been asked to expand my social media footprint so I now have an Instagram account (novakayak). The problem is I do not have my phone available while I am kayaking so I am still learning to make the best use of it.

Having a full time job outside of kayaking makes these plans difficult but if I manage my leave well there could be some interesting post coming in the future.

Stay tuned and read the post for all the original details for writing this blog.